Muttaburra Road, Hughenden QLD 4821
5.14 ha
18 Dalrymple Road, Hughenden QLD 4821
1.30 ha
68-72 Shamrock Street, Blackall QLD 4472
5071 m²
1 m²
Looking at selling - we have you covered.
Sale methods include: Online Auction, Private Treaty, Tender and Expressions of Interest.
If you’re looking to sell your house or block of land, our team are the property experts you can trust.
Looking to sell your farm? Our team can sell your farm and your plant & equipment with an online auction with
Selling your commercial property or business? We can take care of it all. Ask us how.
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About Us
At Grays Real Estate we understand selling property can be stressful and having a trusted real estate agent with a brand built over 100 years is the key to success. Whilst real estate maybe new to Grays we are not new to our 3 million+ buyers.
By leveraging along with traditional real estate portals our next level service and marketing reach is aimed at exceeding your expectations whether you are selling or buying real estate.
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Chat to one of our top real estate agents to discover how we can assist you with your real estate needs
Brett Garnett
Principal Licensee